Paint pots – how to, step by step

Classic terracotta pots don’t have to be exactly classic. Here, instead, they get their own style with paint and self-composed patterns. The personal touch is enhanced with painted growing sticks. Perfect to prepare and give as a gift to a friend or family member who is interested in gardening.

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  1. Steg 1/4 Pot with character

  2. Steg 2/4 Prep work

  3. Steg 3/4 Paint

  4. Steg 4/4 Paint flower sticks

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Detaljerade instruktioner i text

Så gör du:
  1. 1
    Pot with character
  2. 2
    Prep work
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Paint flower sticks

  1. 1/4 — Pot with character

  2. 2/4 — Prep work

  3. 3/4 — Paint

  4. 4/4 — Paint flower sticks

Step by Step

  1. 1
    Pot with character
  2. 2
    Prep work
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Paint flower sticks

  1. 1

    Pot with character

    Måla krukor

    Pots that are painted are a simple way to get a nice decoration both inside and outside.

    We use a number of terracotta pots in two different sizes and choose here to make two different patterns at the top of the pots – a variant with stripes at different intervals, and one with a uniform triangle pattern. Patterns and colors can of course be chosen entirely according to taste. We used gold, turquoise and white.

  2. 2

    Prep work

    Maskera krukor

    To get a good end result, the surface to be painted must be in good condition. Therefore, make sure that the pots are cleaned and dry before starting work. Also make sure to protect the table you use when you paint the pots against possible paint spillage.


    Use a high-quality tape that adheres well to the substrate, and you will get sharp color edges.
    Maskera krukor

    Use masking tape to create the pattern. Choose good quality tape to get really sharp edges when painting. Press the tape firmly against the substrate and stretch it a little below the edges of the pots.

  3. 3


    Måla krukor

    Once the tape is in place and marking the pattern, paint two coats with a small brush. Remove the tape before the paint has dried.

    Måla krukor
  4. 4

    Paint flower sticks


    Put a small piece of tape on the end of the stick to be stuck into the soil, and you can easily hold the stick when you paint without getting paint on your hands.
    Gör egna odlingspinnar

    Do you also want to make nice and personal growing sticks? Paint with window paint so the paint lasts longer. Paint two layers. When the paint has dried, you can write the names of the vegetables or spices with a felt-tip pen.

    The sticks are then ready to stick into the pots.

    Måla odlingspinnar
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