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Oil countertop – how to, step by step
Want to make kitchen work more fun? Sand and oil your worktop and it will be as good as new – quickly and easily. Our video and guide will show you the way to a perfect, shiny result. Good luck with the project!

Steg 1/3 Clean
Produkter i användning
Steg 2/3 Sanding the surface
Produkter i användning
Steg 3/3 Oil
Produkter i användning
Detaljerade instruktioner i text
Så gör du:
2Sanding the surface-
1/3 — Clean -
2/3 — Sanding the surface -
3/3 — Oil
Step by Step
2Sanding the surface
For a good end result, it is important that the countertop is really clean. Wash it thoroughly with a microfiber cloth and a detergent suitable for wood.
Sanding the surface
If the worktop has already been treated with varnish or oil, you can sand it off with a coarse 120-grit sanding paper.
Sand untreated worktop with 180 grit abrasive paper. If you want an even finer texture on the surface, you can finish with a 240 grit sandpaper.
Wipe off the sanding dust with a dry microfiber cloth when you have the texture you want. The microfiber cloth is a very versatile product, read more about its uses here.
Now it’s time to start oiling your worktop. The easiest way is to spread the oil with a mini roller. Pour the oil into a small paint tray first to make it easier. If you prefer to use a paintbrush, we can recommend an Elite flat brush instead, which is great for oils. Allow the oil to dry thoroughly into the worktop and then wipe off any excess oil that has not been absorbed by the wood.
Oil the second time.
Before oiling the worktop a second time, it is a good idea to sand the worktop to remove any fibre residue and dust particles. And just like last time, it’s a good idea to wipe off the sanding dust with a microfiber cloth or a cloth.
For oiling, you can use the same method as before. And don’t forget to wipe off any excess oil.
After all the excess oil has been wiped off your worktop, you are now completely finished with your project and can enjoy a shiny and beautiful worktop in your kitchen.
Place the oily cloth in a jar of water after use to prevent spontaneous combustion.