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Roller school – choose the right roller
Paint ceiling
Want to know more about how to paint ceilings and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: Painting ceilingsWhen painting ceilings, you want a roller that absorbs a lot of paint to avoid getting a patchy result. Our MicMex roller for medium-fine surfaces is one of our best rollers in terms of paint pick-up and coverage. It splatters less and provides good coverage on large surfaces quickly, helping you to make your ceiling painting more efficient. It gives a medium fine texture which is suitable for ceiling painting.
Paint walls
Want to know more about how to paint a wall and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: Paint wallJust like when painting ceilings, it’s a good idea to choose a roller with high paint pick-up when painting walls. For classic wall painting, we therefore recommend our Titex roller for medium-fine surfaces. The roller has a short pile length that gives you an even, fine and smooth texture. The roller is therefore also particularly suitable for use with matte wall paints.
However, if you want a slightly rougher texture, our MicMex roller for medium-fine surfaces is the perfect choice. It absorbs a lot of paint, which makes painting go faster and it covers very well.
These two rollers do not shed fibres.
Want to know more about how to wallpaper and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: WallpaperingWhen wallpapering, it is good to have a roller that is adapted for wallpaper adhesive to get the right amount of glue on the wall, therefore we recommend our Anlon roller for medium-fine surfaces. The roller can also be used for painting wall and ceilings, when finish is not the most important thing.
Paint woodwork
Want to know more about how to paint interior woodwork and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: Painting woodworkWhen painting and treating woodwork such as doors, worktops, shelves, chests of drawers, cabinets and staircases, it can often seem obvious to pick up a paintbrush. A brush is great for details, edges and other hard-to-reach areas, but for larger surfaces we recommend a mini roller to get the best finish.
For carpentry we recommend Felt Miniroller for extra fine surfaces. It has a short pile length and a fabric that gives a very fine, smooth and even surface. In addition, it does not release any fibres when painting.
If you want to treat your woodwork with a thinner paint, such as oil, we recommend Antex mini roller for extra fine surfaces. It holds thinner paint better and gives a smooth and fine finish. Perfect for oiling a countertop or outdoor furniture.
Paint facade
Want to know more about how to paint facade and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: Paint facadeDid you know that it works just as well to use a roller as a brush when painting facade? With a roller, you get much more paint than with a paintbrush, and therefore can cover larger areas in a single dip. Our Wistex roller for rough surfaces has a durable fabric that absorbs a lot of paint and provides perfect coverage of coarse textured surfaces and helps to reach into any unevenness. It is therefore particularly suitable for exterior painting, such as when painting facades or fences.
Don’t forget to use a brush after to even out and get a smooth finish.
Treat terrace
Don't forget the extension pole! Our Elite Extension Poles are available in several lengths and can be used with any of our extendable tools to make your painting project a little easier - and your body a little happier.
Want to know more about how to treat your terrace and how to use the tools? You can find all our guides here: Treat terraceWhen it comes to treating your terrace, with for example oil, we recommend our 2-in-1 Terrace Tool. The tool is a combination of an sanding tool and an application pad, so you only need one tool to treat your patio. The application pad ensures that you get a thin and even result when oiling and that the surface does not flake or become blotchy. The shape of the application pad also makes it easy to reach corners and close to walls.
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