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Shelves out of boxes – how to, step by step
Wooden boxes of various sizes, good painting tools and paint – that’s all you need to make this project. How the boxes are painted and stacked is a matter of taste, but to make the job easier, it’s a good idea to make a plan for the painting itself first. Choose a mix of colours. We chose to mix white, grey and wood, as well as softer blues and greens. The end result was a great storage solution that can easily be stacked and changed when you want a new feel in the room.

Steg 1/4 Sand and clean
Produkter i användning
Steg 2/4 Mask
Steg 3/4 Prime
Produkter i användning
Steg 4/4 Paint
Produkter i användning
Detaljerade instruktioner i text
Så gör du:
1Sand and clean-
1/4 — Sand and clean -
2/4 — Mask -
3/4 — Prime -
4/4 — Paint
Step by Step
1Sand and clean
Sand and clean
The preparatory work has a major impact on the final result. Start by sanding in the direction of the wood with the help of a sanding cork in order to get a good surface for the paint to adhere to. Also make sure to remove all sanding dust before painting. Use a microfiber cloth – it’s effective against dust and also removes dirt and other stains.
Always paint and sand in the direction of the wood grain. -
The idea is to vary the appearance of the boxes with different colour combinations. Some boxes will be painted both inside and out, some will have unpainted interiors and some will be painted only on the bottom. Mask with masking tape for indoor use that gives sharp, fine edges.
Prime the surfaces to be painted with a base coat. Use a mini roller for larger areas and a brush for hard-to-reach edges and corners.
Drive a nail into the underside of each corner. This makes it easier to paint the edges without smudging. -
Apply two coats of carpentry paint when the primer has dried. Use a mini roller for larger areas and an angle cut brush for insides and bottoms – then you’ll get into the corners and have better precision. Remove the masking tape immediately after the second coat and allow the paint to dry properly.